07 June 2024

06 June 2024

04 June 2024

07 May 2024

09 January 2024

2023 Agent Appointment Statistics

CIPO received 67,000 trademark applications1 in 2023.  This post provides an agent-focused statistical summary2 of those filings.

07 January 2024

2023 Trend Chart Updates

Having closed the books on 2023, we can update some trend charts with the 2023 data.

2023 Filings by Type / Class / Category / Status

This post provides a mark type / class / category / status breakdown of the 67,000 trademark applications1 CIPO received in 2023.

06 January 2024

2023 Agent vs. no Agent Filings

CIPO received 67,000 trademark applications1 in 2023.  This post breaks them down2 in terms of filings which either do or do not appoint an agent—for all filings, Madrid filings and non-Madrid filings respectively.

05 January 2024

2023 Agent Rankings

CIPO received 67,000 trademark applications1 in 2023.  This post ranks them as of 31-Dec-2023 in terms of the number of appointments per agent on behalf of: (1) all applicants, (2) Canadian resident applicants and (3) non-Canadian resident applicants.

04 August 2023

CIPO’s Oldest Unexamined Trademark Applications

183,189 Canadian trademark applications are unexamined1 as of 01-Aug-20232.  Over 12,000 of them were filed more than four years ago.  Over 8,900 of them were filed before coming into force (CIF) of the 17 June 2019 amendments to the Trademarks Act, RSC 1985 c. T-13.  84 of them were filed in March of 2019—over four years and four months ago.

22 June 2023

Status Update: 4 years post CIF

This post examines the status—as of  CIPO’s 20 June 2023 data refresh—of the 295,435 applications CIPO has received over the past 4 years since coming into force (CIF) of the 17 June 2019 amendments to the Trademarks Act, RSC 1985 c. T-13.

09 January 2023

2022 Trend Chart Updates

Having closed the books on 2022, we can update some trend charts with the 2022 data.

08 January 2023

2022 Filings by Type / Class / Category / Status

This post provides a mark type / class / category / status breakdown of the 68,001 trademark applications1 CIPO received in 2022.

04 January 2023

2022 Agent vs. no Agent Filings

CIPO received 68,001 trademark applications1 in 2022.  This post breaks them down2 in terms of filings which either do or do not appoint an agent—for all filings, Madrid filings and non-Madrid filings respectively.

03 January 2023

2022 Agent Rankings

CIPO received 68,001 trademark applications1 in 2022.  This post ranks them as of 31-Dec-2022 in terms of the number of appointments per agent on behalf of: (1) all applicants, (2) Canadian resident applicants and (3) non-Canadian resident applicants.