183,189 Canadian trademark applications are unexamined1 as of 01-Aug-20232. Over 12,000 of them were filed more than four years ago. Over 8,900 of them were filed before coming into force (CIF) of the 17 June 2019 amendments to the Trademarks Act, RSC 1985 c. T-13. 84 of them were filed in March of 2019—over four years and four months ago.
Here are the 20 oldest unexamined applications as of 01-Aug-2023. The marks tabulated below are hyperlinked to CIPO’s online trademark database. You can check the examination status of these applications by clicking the hyperlinks. Bear in mind that the examination status of these applications will change as CIPO works its way through the backlog of older cases.
Filing Date | Serial No. | Mark | Mark Type |
07 Mar 2019 | 1950117 | SLED DECK DESIGN - DISPLAY PLATES | Figurative |
14 Mar 2019 | 1951529 | MASSAGE DESIGN | Three dimensional |
15 Mar 2019 | 1951717 | FIRST STEPS | Word |
15 Mar 2019 | 1951759 | Tree Shelter | Three dimensional |
15 Mar 2019 | 1951761 | ALWAYS ON | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952345 | SUPERNOVA | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952346 | ALEXIS PERISTALTIC PUMP | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952347 | ELECTRA | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952348 | TYPHOON | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952349 | TEMPEST | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952350 | MONSOON | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952352 | TSUNAMI | Word |
19 Mar 2019 | 1952357 | PATRÓN STRIPPED DOWN BOTTLE & DESIGN | Figurative |
20 Mar 2019 | 1952489 | SYNERVIE | Word |
21 Mar 2019 | 1952753 | WAVE DESIGN | Three dimensional |
21 Mar 2019 | 1952831 | NATURABIEN | Word |
22 Mar 2019 | 1953179 | LA PRESSERIE | Word |
22 Mar 2019 | 1953181 | LE SAUCIER | Word |
22 Mar 2019 | 1953183 | LÉGUMIER | Word |
22 Mar 2019 | 1953221 | VACANCES PHÉNIX | Word |
Seven of the applications filed on 19 March 20193 are commonly owned and recite goods falling within a single Nice classification using brief, nearly identical descriptions phrased in ordinary commercial terms. Three of the applications filed on 22 March 20194 are commonly owned and recite goods falling within three Nice classifications using brief, identical descriptions phrased in ordinary commercial terms. Examination of these applications would not appear to be unduly onerous.
1 CIPO’s dispatch of a pre-assessment letter is not an examination event in my view. See The Pre-Assessment Problem.↩
2 This figure (i.e. “The Backlog”) does not include official mark applications filed pursuant to Section 9 of the Trademarks Act.↩