28 November 2021

Section 45 Expungement Proceedings

Since 1975, the Registrar has issued 12,675 expungement decisions in proceedings seeking summary cancellation (expungement) of registered Canadian trademarks on non-use grounds.  725 such proceedings are actively ongoing as of 22-Nov-2021, according to CIPO’s trademark .xml data.

21 November 2021

Section 44 Proceedings

Section 44 of the Trademarks Act R.S.C., 1985, c. T-13 (the TMA) pertains to “...any trademark that was on the register on July 1, 1954...”.

14 November 2021

Active Opposition Proceedings

1,461 Canadian trademark opposition proceedings are ongoing as of 08-Nov-2021, according to CIPO’s trademark .xml data.