The Prosecution Events post provides an overview of CIPO’s prosecution event data and explains how prosecution events are reflected in the Action Histories presented via CIPO’s online trademark database.
As of 28 May 2024 CIPO has created 195 different prosecution events. CIPO has also created a large number of events applicable to opposition and cancellation actions which will be dealt with in a future post.
22 of the 195 prosecution events are not referenced1 in the Action History of any mark as of 28 May 2024. The table below itemizes the 173 prosecution events CIPO references in the Action History of one or more marks as of 28 May 2024. Click any of the first three column headers to resort the table.
Event Code | Event Description | Rank by Usage | Marks with This Event |
30 | Filed | 1 | 2,002,676 |
1 | Created | 2 | 1,596,052 |
31 | Formalized | 3 | 1,556,554 |
22 | Search Recorded | 4 | 1,452,825 |
42 | Advertised | 5 | 1,275,257 |
55 | Registered | 6 | 1,153,294 |
26 | Approved | 7 | 1,095,149 |
50 | Allowed | 8 | 990,033 |
20 | Examiner’s Letter | 9 | 928,846 |
51 | Allowance Notice Sent | 10 | 916,040 |
12 | Extension of Time | 11 | 848,410 |
15 | Correspondence Created | 12 | 811,231 |
68 | Rep for Service Name Changed | 13 | 696,252 |
87 | Rep for Service Changed | 14 | 642,396 |
27 | Approval Notice Sent | 15 | 613,662 |
48 | Agent Changed | 16 | 505,252 |
57 | Amendment to Registration | 17 | 479,276 |
61 | Renewed | 18 | 423,078 |
60 | Renewal Notice Sent | 19 | 382,220 |
80 | Change in Title Registered | 20 | 379,224 |
14 | Default Notice Sent | 21 | 342,262 |
67 | Agent Name Changed | 22 | 329,524 |
6 | Abandoned - Section 36 | 23 | 250,850 |
62 | Expunged—Failure To Renew | 24 | 228,403 |
75 | Automatic Expungement - Failure to renew | 25 | 186,339 |
190 | Registration Pending | 26 | 186,061 |
287 | Pre-Assessment Letter Sent | 27 | 179,248 |
7 | Abandoned - Subsection 40(3) | 28 | 149,858 |
88 | Security Interest Placed | 29 | 146,177 |
135 | Amendment to Application | 30 | 141,878 |
17 | Abandoned | 31 | 108,554 |
257 | Designation Notification – Madrid Protocol | 32 | 107,729 |
228 | International Registration | 33 | 105,456 |
191 | Registration Fee Notice Sent | 34 | 88,840 |
256 | Notification of Possible Oppositions Sent | 35 | 87,737 |
223 | Total Provisional Refusal Sent | 36 | 65,038 |
130 | Note to File | 37 | 57,715 |
5 | Withdrawn by Owner | 38 | 56,263 |
89 | Security Interest Removed | 39 | 55,714 |
281 | Nice Class(es) Acceptance Letter Sent | 40 | 54,270 |
70 | Opposed | 41 | 49,749 |
23 | Default Removed | 42 | 48,059 |
174 | Nice Classification Courtesy Letter Sent | 43 | 41,840 |
71 | Opposition Removed | 44 | 39,928 |
222 | Opposition Start Date Notice Sent | 45 | 39,703 |
90 | Clerical Correction | 46 | 34,127 |
244 | Requirement To Furnish Statement Under Subsection 44.’1(1) Sent | 47 | 26,535 |
83 | Assignment Correspondence Created | 48 | 25,513 |
29 | Accepted for Publication | 49 | 24,813 |
110 | Proposed Opposition | 50 | 24,634 |
252 | Statement of Grant of Protection Sent (following a Provisional Refusal) | 51 | 22,910 |
179 | Adjusted Renewal Fee Received | 52 | 22,282 |
73 | Expunged - Non-use | 53 | 21,869 |
8 | Cancelled - Subsection 16(3) | 54 | 19,477 |
24 | NUANS Search Recorded | 55 | 14,393 |
18 | Extension of Time Refused | 56 | 13,525 |
251 | Statement of Grant of Protection Sent | 57 | 13,300 |
178 | Adjusted Renewal Fee Notice Sent | 58 | 13,216 |
280 | Nice Correspondence Sent | 59 | 11,869 |
207 | Confirmation of Total Provisional Refusal Sent | 60 | 11,660 |
25 | Search Removed | 61 | 10,257 |
65 | Cancelled by Owner | 62 | 9,814 |
284 | Security Interest Amended | 63 | 8,217 |
74 | Granted | 64 | 7,008 |
72 | Abandoned - Section 38 Opposition | 65 | 6,769 |
11 | Abandonment Removed | 66 | 6,016 |
102 | Contact Changed | 67 | 5,785 |
236 | Partial Withdrawal – Madrid Protocol | 68 | 4,789 |
28 | Approval Removed | 69 | 4,684 |
37 | Amendment to Goods or Services | 70 | 4,156 |
245 | Failure To Furnish Statement Under Subsection 44.’1(1) | 71 | 3,998 |
101 | Rights Surrendered | 72 | 3,841 |
210 | IR Correction | 73 | 3,565 |
104 | Requesting Party Address Changed | 74 | 3,508 |
238 | IR Renewed | 75 | 2,946 |
81 | Owner Name Changed | 76 | 2,498 |
53 | Document Placed on File | 77 | 2,467 |
94 | License Agreement Recorded | 78 | 2,350 |
59 | Second Renewal Notice Sent | 79 | 1,861 |
9 | Refused | 80 | 1,860 |
52 | Allowance Removed | 81 | 1,854 |
128 | Refused - Subsection 38(8) | 82 | 1,843 |
134 | Refused - Awaiting Appeal | 83 | 1,788 |
45 | Erratum Published | 84 | 1,741 |
44 | Erratum Requested | 85 | 1,736 |
105 | Requesting Party Name and Address Changed | 86 | 1,728 |
47 | Advertisement Removed | 87 | 1,711 |
249 | Withdrawn – Madrid Protocol | 88 | 1,490 |
264 | Abandoned - Section 38(11) Opposition | 89 | 1,407 |
3 | Inactivated | 90 | 1,398 |
231 | Limitation | 91 | 1,391 |
192 | Registration Pending Removed | 92 | 1,066 |
250 | Cancelled - Madrid Protocol | 93 | 1,027 |
34 | Partial Ownership | 94 | 984 |
103 | Requesting Party Name Changed | 95 | 942 |
43 | Re-advertisement Requested | 96 | 939 |
168 | Erratum Extracted for Advertisement | 97 | 922 |
120 | Entered on the List | 98 | 882 |
246 | Expunged for Failure To Furnish Statement Under Subsection 44.’1(1) | 99 | 837 |
235 | Partial Cancellation – Madrid Protocol | 100 | 799 |
123 | Extracted for Canada Gazette | 101 | 664 |
64 | Expungement Removed | 102 | 572 |
54 | Rights Revoked | 103 | 538 |
176 | Created by Division | 104 | 499 |
92 | Expunged - Failure to Provide Information | 105 | 431 |
175 | Division Recorded | 106 | 417 |
282 | Registrar Established Nice Class(es) Letter Sent | 107 | 385 |
129 | Refusal Letter Sent | 108 | 365 |
111 | Proposed Opposition Removed | 109 | 339 |
95 | License Agreement Removed | 110 | 318 |
56 | Registration Removed | 111 | 291 |
91 | Cancelled - Section 50 UCA | 112 | 259 |
66 | Cancellation Removed | 113 | 248 |
180 | Deemed Never Filed | 114 | 246 |
10 | Withdrawn | 114 | 246 |
234 | Partial Ceasing of Effect Received - No Amendments Required | 116 | 242 |
84 | Expunged - Court Order | 117 | 231 |
230 | Partial Withdrawal - Owner’s Request | 118 | 228 |
226 | Created Following a Transformation | 119 | 221 |
2 | Transferred | 120 | 217 |
227 | Expunged - Failure to Provide Additional Renewal Fee | 121 | 216 |
171 | Refused - Appeal in Progress | 122 | 182 |
242 | Assignment Transfer - Removed | 123 | 176 |
32 | NUANS Report Removed | 124 | 175 |
35 | Accept for Publication Removed | 125 | 152 |
285 | License Agreement Amended | 126 | 119 |
260 | Limitation - No Effect Sent | 127 | 116 |
172 | Federal Court Proceeding Initiated | 128 | 98 |
173 | Federal Court Proceeding Completed | 129 | 91 |
208 | IR Correction Requested | 130 | 73 |
275 | Letter of Remission Sent | 131 | 72 |
166 | Abandoned - Section 36 - Opp/S45 | 132 | 66 |
278 | No Response for Remission Recorded | 132 | 66 |
233 | Limitation - No Effect | 134 | 65 |
4 | Re-activated | 135 | 58 |
239 | Withdrawn - Failure to Renew | 136 | 56 |
63 | Renewal Removed | 137 | 55 |
85 | Title Seized | 138 | 51 |
267 | Extension of Time Granted - Subsection 44.1(1), 44.1(3) | 139 | 43 |
209 | Opposition Start Date Notice Removed | 140 | 41 |
269 | Division Requested | 141 | 35 |
186 | Proceedings Discontinued | 141 | 35 |
165 | Appeal in Progress | 143 | 34 |
86 | Released from Seizure | 144 | 32 |
181 | Deemed Never Filed Removed | 145 | 29 |
98 | Cancelled - Section 48 UCA | 146 | 27 |
254 | Partial Cancellation Received - No Amendment Recorded | 146 | 27 |
240 | Withdrawn Removed - Madrid Protocol | 148 | 22 |
221 | Confirmation of Total Provisional Refusal Removed | 149 | 19 |
237 | Withdrawn by Owner Removed | 150 | 18 |
121 | Removed from the List | 150 | 18 |
248 | Expungement under Section 44.1(3) Removed | 152 | 13 |
58 | Refusal Removed | 153 | 9 |
93 | Created by Transfer | 153 | 9 |
96 | Expungement Removed - Court Order | 155 | 7 |
144 | Refusal Removed – Awaiting Appeal | 155 | 7 |
255 | IR - Notification Received – No Action Required | 157 | 6 |
184 | Trademark Upheld Section 57 | 158 | 5 |
177 | Merger Recorded | 158 | 5 |
167 | Examiner’s First Report Removed | 160 | 4 |
97 | Cancelled - Section 23 UCA | 161 | 3 |
229 | Partial Cancellation - Owner’s Request | 161 | 3 |
277 | Remission Not Refused Recorded | 161 | 3 |
46 | Subsection 37(3) Notice Sent | 164 | 2 |
247 | Cancellation Removed - Madrid Protocol | 164 | 2 |
13 | Default | 164 | 2 |
268 | Extension of Time Refused - Subsection 44.1(1), 44.1(3) | 164 | 2 |
253 | Further Decision Notification Sent | 164 | 2 |
279 | Withdrawn Removed - Section 9 | 169 | 1 |
99 | Expunged - Failure to Provide Representation | 169 | 1 |
243 | Ownership Change - Merger | 169 | 1 |
82 | Owner Address Changed | 169 | 1 |
286 | IR Correction Requested - Total Provisional Refusal | 169 | 1 |
1 The unreferenced prosecution events are:
Event Code | Event Description |
19 | Extension of Time Refused - No Fee |
21 | Examiner’s First Report |
33 | Security Interest / License Agreement Recorded |
49 | Extracted for Advertisement |
169 | Not Recommended |
170 | Not Recommended Removed |
182 | GI Translation Added |
183 | Goods/Services Amended Section 57 |
185 | Filing Fee Payment Calculation Date |
201 | WIPO Clarification Requested NOTE |
202 | WIPO Clarification Received NOTE |
203 | Request to take note of Replacement Received |
205 | IR Replacement Noted (Protocol Registration) |
206 | IR Replacement Noted (National Registration) |
219 | WIPO Clarification Request Outstanding Sent NOTE |
224 | Complete Invalidation Notification Sent |
225 | Partial Invalidation Notification Sent |
232 | Limitation |
241 | Change of Name Removed |
258 | Document Placed on File |
259 | Invalidation Removed |
261 | Irregularity Response |