04 June 2024

Catalog of Prosecution Events

This post catalogs the 173 prosecution events CIPO has allocated as of 28 May 2024.

The Prosecution Events post provides an overview of CIPO’s prosecution event data and explains how prosecution events are reflected in the Action Histories presented via CIPO’s online trademark database.

As of 28 May 2024 CIPO has created 195 different prosecution events.  CIPO has also created a large number of events applicable to opposition and cancellation actions which will be dealt with in a future post.

22 of the 195 prosecution events are not referenced1 in the Action History of any mark as of 28 May 2024.  The table below itemizes the 173 prosecution events CIPO references in the Action History of one or more marks as of 28 May 2024.  Click any of the first three column headers to resort the table.

Event Code Event Description Rank by Usage Marks with This Event
30 Filed 1 2,002,676
1 Created 2 1,596,052
31 Formalized 3 1,556,554
22 Search Recorded 4 1,452,825
42 Advertised 5 1,275,257
55 Registered 6 1,153,294
26 Approved 7 1,095,149
50 Allowed 8 990,033
20 Examiner’s Letter 9 928,846
51 Allowance Notice Sent 10 916,040
12 Extension of Time 11 848,410
15 Correspondence Created 12 811,231
68 Rep for Service Name Changed 13 696,252
87 Rep for Service Changed 14 642,396
27 Approval Notice Sent 15 613,662
48 Agent Changed 16 505,252
57 Amendment to Registration 17 479,276
61 Renewed 18 423,078
60 Renewal Notice Sent 19 382,220
80 Change in Title Registered 20 379,224
14 Default Notice Sent 21 342,262
67 Agent Name Changed 22 329,524
6 Abandoned - Section 36 23 250,850
62 Expunged—Failure To Renew 24 228,403
75 Automatic Expungement - Failure to renew 25 186,339
190 Registration Pending 26 186,061
287 Pre-Assessment Letter Sent 27 179,248
7 Abandoned - Subsection 40(3) 28 149,858
88 Security Interest Placed 29 146,177
135 Amendment to Application 30 141,878
17 Abandoned 31 108,554
257 Designation Notification – Madrid Protocol 32 107,729
228 International Registration 33 105,456
191 Registration Fee Notice Sent 34 88,840
256 Notification of Possible Oppositions Sent 35 87,737
223 Total Provisional Refusal Sent 36 65,038
130 Note to File 37 57,715
5 Withdrawn by Owner 38 56,263
89 Security Interest Removed 39 55,714
281 Nice Class(es) Acceptance Letter Sent 40 54,270
70 Opposed 41 49,749
23 Default Removed 42 48,059
174 Nice Classification Courtesy Letter Sent 43 41,840
71 Opposition Removed 44 39,928
222 Opposition Start Date Notice Sent 45 39,703
90 Clerical Correction 46 34,127
244 Requirement To Furnish Statement Under Subsection 44.’1(1) Sent 47 26,535
83 Assignment Correspondence Created 48 25,513
29 Accepted for Publication 49 24,813
110 Proposed Opposition 50 24,634
252 Statement of Grant of Protection Sent (following a Provisional Refusal) 51 22,910
179 Adjusted Renewal Fee Received 52 22,282
73 Expunged - Non-use 53 21,869
8 Cancelled - Subsection 16(3) 54 19,477
24 NUANS Search Recorded 55 14,393
18 Extension of Time Refused 56 13,525
251 Statement of Grant of Protection Sent 57 13,300
178 Adjusted Renewal Fee Notice Sent 58 13,216
280 Nice Correspondence Sent 59 11,869
207 Confirmation of Total Provisional Refusal Sent 60 11,660
25 Search Removed 61 10,257
65 Cancelled by Owner 62 9,814
284 Security Interest Amended 63 8,217
74 Granted 64 7,008
72 Abandoned - Section 38 Opposition 65 6,769
11 Abandonment Removed 66 6,016
102 Contact Changed 67 5,785
236 Partial Withdrawal – Madrid Protocol 68 4,789
28 Approval Removed 69 4,684
37 Amendment to Goods or Services 70 4,156
245 Failure To Furnish Statement Under Subsection 44.’1(1) 71 3,998
101 Rights Surrendered 72 3,841
210 IR Correction 73 3,565
104 Requesting Party Address Changed 74 3,508
238 IR Renewed 75 2,946
81 Owner Name Changed 76 2,498
53 Document Placed on File 77 2,467
94 License Agreement Recorded 78 2,350
59 Second Renewal Notice Sent 79 1,861
9 Refused 80 1,860
52 Allowance Removed 81 1,854
128 Refused - Subsection 38(8) 82 1,843
134 Refused - Awaiting Appeal 83 1,788
45 Erratum Published 84 1,741
44 Erratum Requested 85 1,736
105 Requesting Party Name and Address Changed 86 1,728
47 Advertisement Removed 87 1,711
249 Withdrawn – Madrid Protocol 88 1,490
264 Abandoned - Section 38(11) Opposition 89 1,407
3 Inactivated 90 1,398
231 Limitation 91 1,391
192 Registration Pending Removed 92 1,066
250 Cancelled - Madrid Protocol 93 1,027
34 Partial Ownership 94 984
103 Requesting Party Name Changed 95 942
43 Re-advertisement Requested 96 939
168 Erratum Extracted for Advertisement 97 922
120 Entered on the List 98 882
246 Expunged for Failure To Furnish Statement Under Subsection 44.’1(1) 99 837
235 Partial Cancellation – Madrid Protocol 100 799
123 Extracted for Canada Gazette 101 664
64 Expungement Removed 102 572
54 Rights Revoked 103 538
176 Created by Division 104 499
92 Expunged - Failure to Provide Information 105 431
175 Division Recorded 106 417
282 Registrar Established Nice Class(es) Letter Sent 107 385
129 Refusal Letter Sent 108 365
111 Proposed Opposition Removed 109 339
95 License Agreement Removed 110 318
56 Registration Removed 111 291
91 Cancelled - Section 50 UCA 112 259
66 Cancellation Removed 113 248
180 Deemed Never Filed 114 246
10 Withdrawn 114 246
234 Partial Ceasing of Effect Received - No Amendments Required 116 242
84 Expunged - Court Order 117 231
230 Partial Withdrawal - Owner’s Request 118 228
226 Created Following a Transformation 119 221
2 Transferred 120 217
227 Expunged - Failure to Provide Additional Renewal Fee 121 216
171 Refused - Appeal in Progress 122 182
242 Assignment Transfer - Removed 123 176
32 NUANS Report Removed 124 175
35 Accept for Publication Removed 125 152
285 License Agreement Amended 126 119
260 Limitation - No Effect Sent 127 116
172 Federal Court Proceeding Initiated 128 98
173 Federal Court Proceeding Completed 129 91
208 IR Correction Requested 130 73
275 Letter of Remission Sent 131 72
166 Abandoned - Section 36 - Opp/S45 132 66
278 No Response for Remission Recorded 132 66
233 Limitation - No Effect 134 65
4 Re-activated 135 58
239 Withdrawn - Failure to Renew 136 56
63 Renewal Removed 137 55
85 Title Seized 138 51
267 Extension of Time Granted - Subsection 44.1(1), 44.1(3) 139 43
209 Opposition Start Date Notice Removed 140 41
269 Division Requested 141 35
186 Proceedings Discontinued 141 35
165 Appeal in Progress 143 34
86 Released from Seizure 144 32
181 Deemed Never Filed Removed 145 29
98 Cancelled - Section 48 UCA 146 27
254 Partial Cancellation Received - No Amendment Recorded 146 27
240 Withdrawn Removed - Madrid Protocol 148 22
221 Confirmation of Total Provisional Refusal Removed 149 19
237 Withdrawn by Owner Removed 150 18
121 Removed from the List 150 18
248 Expungement under Section 44.1(3) Removed 152 13
58 Refusal Removed 153 9
93 Created by Transfer 153 9
96 Expungement Removed - Court Order 155 7
144 Refusal Removed – Awaiting Appeal 155 7
255 IR - Notification Received – No Action Required 157 6
184 Trademark Upheld Section 57 158 5
177 Merger Recorded 158 5
167 Examiner’s First Report Removed 160 4
97 Cancelled - Section 23 UCA 161 3
229 Partial Cancellation - Owner’s Request 161 3
277 Remission Not Refused Recorded 161 3
46 Subsection 37(3) Notice Sent 164 2
247 Cancellation Removed - Madrid Protocol 164 2
13 Default 164 2
268 Extension of Time Refused - Subsection 44.1(1), 44.1(3) 164 2
253 Further Decision Notification Sent 164 2
279 Withdrawn Removed - Section 9 169 1
99 Expunged - Failure to Provide Representation 169 1
243 Ownership Change - Merger 169 1
82 Owner Address Changed 169 1
286 IR Correction Requested - Total Provisional Refusal 169 1

1 The unreferenced prosecution events are:

Event Code Event Description
19 Extension of Time Refused - No Fee
21 Examiner’s First Report
33 Security Interest / License Agreement Recorded
49 Extracted for Advertisement
169 Not Recommended
170 Not Recommended Removed
182 GI Translation Added
183 Goods/Services Amended Section 57
185 Filing Fee Payment Calculation Date
201 WIPO Clarification Requested NOTE
202 WIPO Clarification Received NOTE
203 Request to take note of Replacement Received
205 IR Replacement Noted (Protocol Registration)
206 IR Replacement Noted (National Registration)
219 WIPO Clarification Request Outstanding Sent NOTE
224 Complete Invalidation Notification Sent
225 Partial Invalidation Notification Sent
232 Limitation
241 Change of Name Removed
258 Document Placed on File
259 Invalidation Removed
261 Irregularity Response