07 May 2024

The College’s Agent Roster as of 07-May-2024

This post summarizes Canadian patent and trademark agent licence details as of 07-May-2024.

The agent roster maintained by The College of Patent Agents & Trademark Agents (CPATA or “the College”) lists 3,118 patent and trademark agent licences as of 07-May-2024.  Overall, there are 2,718 active licences, 6 inactive licences, 246 suspended licences and 148 surrendered licences.  The “Suspended” category pertains to agents who did not pay the College’s fees to maintain their practice entitlement for 2024.  The College’s Bylaws provide for revocation of licences that have been suspended for at least five (5) consecutive years.  No licences have been revoked as of 07-May-2024.  The “Surrendered” category pertains to agents who have withdrawn from practice.  

There are 1,849 trademark agent licences as of 07-May-2024.  The first table below breaks them down by class vs. status; the second table breaks them down by class vs. agent location (click to enlarge any table).

CPATA trademark licences by class vs. status as of 07-May-2024

CPATA trademark licences by class vs. location as of 07-May-2024

There are 1,269 patent agent licences as of 07-May-2024, broken down by class vs. status and by class vs. agent location as shown in the next two tables.

CPATA patent licences by class vs. status as of 07-May-2024

CPATA patent licences by class vs. agent location as of 07-May-2024

There are 35 foreign patent practitioner licenses and 45 foreign trademark practitioner licenses, broken down by practitioner country as follows:

Foreign Practitioners by country as of 07-May-2024