06 June 2024

Catalog of Opposition Events

This post catalogs the 177 opposition events CIPO has allocated as of 4 June 2024.

See the Prosecution Events post for a catalog of CIPO’s prosecution events.  Like prosecution events, opposition events are reflected in the Action Histories presented via CIPO’s online trademark database.

As of 4 June 2024 CIPO has created 184 different opposition events.  CIPO has also created a separate set of events applicable to cancellation actions which will be cataloged in a future post.

7 of the 184 opposition events are not referenced1 in the Action History of any mark as of 4 June 2024.  The table below itemizes the 177 opposition events CIPO references in the Action History of one or more marks as of 4 June 2024.  Click any of the first three column headers to resort the table.

Event Code Event Description Rank by Usage # Marks with This Event
6 Extension of Time Granted to Opponent 1 74,078
13 Correspondence Created 2 57,540
8 With Consent - Extension of Time Granted to Opponent 3 35,457
101 S/O Filed 4 34,189
105 S/O Forwarded for Review 5 33,224
102 S/O Fee Received 6 31,128
106 S/O Sent to Applicant 7 30,893
5 Extension of Time Granted to Applicant 8 27,395
202 C/S Served on Opponent 9 22,980
201 C/S Filed by Applicant 10 22,839
91 Case Closed - Opponent Withdraws 11 19,601
92 Case Closed - Abandoned Section 38(7) 12 17,482
7 Administrative Delay 13 15,845
9 With Consent - Extension of Time Granted to Applicant 14 14,841
120 Evidence Filed by Opponent 15 14,646
121 Evidence Served on Applicant 16 14,493
12 Note to File 17 11,869
301 Deadline to File S/O 18 10,825
335 Amendment to Goods/Services Received 19 10,410
336 Amended Application - Accepted 20 8,978
151 Written Argument Requested – Opponent 21 7,008
220 Evidence Filed by Applicant 22 6,977
221 Evidence Served on Opponent 23 6,820
304 S/O Not Filed 24 6,560
10 Extension of Time Granted to Opponent - Cooling-off 25 6,502
150 Written Argument Requested – Applicant 26 6,147
360 Application Amended 27 6,017
108 Failed to File C/S 28 5,929
154 Written Argument Exchanged 29 5,234
247 Cross Examination Order on Opponent - Rule 41 30 5,075
246 Cross Examination of Opponent Requested - Rule 41 31 5,033
168 Case Forwarded For Hearing 32 4,883
160 Oral Hearing Scheduled 33 4,721
321 Deadline to File Opponent’s Evidence 34 4,713
152 Written Argument Filed by Opponent 35 4,588
153 Written Argument Filed by Applicant 36 4,316
48 Agent Changed 37 4,233
170 Decision Transmitted to Parties 38 4,105
165 Case Forwarded for Decision 39 3,914
156 Request for Oral Hearing by Opponent 40 3,818
110 Amended S/O Filed by Opponent 41 3,706
21 Cross Examination Letter Sent to Opponent - 4 + 4 Months 42 3,610
311 Deadline to File C/S 43 3,558
331 Deadline to File Applicant’s Evidence 44 3,510
87 Rep for Service Changed 45 3,480
157 Request for Oral Hearing by Applicant 46 3,413
111 Amended S/O Served on Applicant 47 3,141
147 Cross Examination Order on Applicant - Rule 42 48 3,132
115 Amended S/O Accepted 49 3,017
95 Case Closed - Abandoned Section 38(11) 50 2,592
136 No Reply Evidence by Opponent 51 2,421
23 Cross Examination Letter Sent to Applicant - 4 + 4 Months 52 2,274
222 Statement Filed - No Evidence from Applicant 53 2,070
248 Cross Examination Transcripts Filed by Applicant - Rule 41 54 2,058
192 Decision - Application Refused 55 2,026
223 Statement Served - No Evidence from Applicant 55 2,026
11 Extension of Time Granted to Applicant - Cooling-off 57 2,018
128 Partial Evidence Filed by Opponent 58 1,984
129 Partial Evidence Served on Applicant 59 1,914
191 Decision - Opposition Rejected 60 1,860
109 Deadline Expired – Applicant’s Evidence 61 1,825
167 Opponent Attending Hearing 62 1,756
166 Applicant Attending Hearing 63 1,654
130 Reply Evidence Filed by Opponent 64 1,563
131 Reply Evidence Served on Applicant 65 1,555
164 No Oral Hearing Requested by Applicant 66 1,446
148 Cross Examination Transcripts Filed by Opponent - Rule 42 67 1,341
132 Statement Filed - No Reply Evidence by Opponent 68 1,265
163 No Oral Hearing Requested by Opponent 69 1,153
94 Case Closed - Deemed Withdrawn 70 1,147
334 Deadline - Cross Examination from Applicant - Rule 41 71 1,145
171 Appeal Initiated 72 1,078
126 Statement Served - No Reply Evidence by Opponent 73 1,054
140 Leave Evidence Filed by Opponent 74 1,021
161 Oral Hearing Cancelled 75 988
342 Deadline to File Written Arguments - Opponent 76 955
158 Statement - No Written Argument by Opponent 77 946
159 Statement - No Written Argument by Applicant 78 936
141 Leave Evidence Served on Applicant 79 930
341 Deadline to File Written Arguments - Applicant 80 907
230 Interlocutory Motion Received 81 859
122 Statement Filed - No Evidence from Opponent 82 857
162 Oral Hearing Postponed 83 852
123 Statement Served - No Evidence from Opponent 84 848
323 Deadline - Reply Evidence 85 847
337 Amended Application - Refused 86 741
210 Amended C/S Filed by Applicant 87 738
143 Leave Evidence Accepted from Opponent 88 717
245 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Applicant - Rule 41 89 707
228 Partial Evidence Filed by Applicant 90 680
211 Amended C/S Served on Opponent 91 666
229 Partial Evidence Served on Opponent 92 662
175 Written Argument/Statement Served on Applicant 93 658
235 Interlocutory Ruling Issued 94 626
215 Amended C/S Accepted 95 625
326 Deadline - Cross Examination from Opponent - Rule 42 96 598
240 Leave Evidence Filed by Applicant 97 585
20 Cross Examination Letter Sent to Opponent - 4 Months Only 98 571
241 Leave Evidence Served on Opponent 99 532
145 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Opponent - Rule 42 100 531
176 Written Argument/Statement Served on Opponent 101 511
243 Leave Evidence Accepted - Applicant 102 407
193 Decision - Split Decision 103 398
249 Cross Examination of Opponent Cancelled - Rule 41 104 328
22 Cross Examination Letter Sent to Applicant - 4 Months Only 105 309
177 Copy of Oral Hearing Request Forwarded to Applicant 106 287
114 Deadline Expired - Opponents Evidence 107 285
332 Deadline to File Opponent’s Evidence 108 275
149 Cross Examination of Applicant Cancelled - Rule 42 109 238
178 Copy of Oral Hearing Request Forwarded to Opponent 110 232
113 Amended S/O Refused 110 232
256 Cross Examination of Opponent Requested - Reply Evidence 112 231
257 Cross Examination Order on Opponent - Rule 43 113 227
260 Cross Examination Transcripts Served by Applicant 114 206
270 Cross Examination Not Completed 115 200
345 Deadline to Request Oral Hearing - Applicant 116 198
346 Deadline to Request Oral Hearing - Opponent 117 177
116 MF3 Sent 118 158
279 Cross Examination Not Completed 119 144
264 Cross Examination Transcripts Served by Opponent 120 143
250 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Opponent 121 133
272 Cross Examination Undertakings Served by Opponent 121 133
144 Leave Evidence Refused from Opponent 123 123
258 Cross Examination Transcripts Filed by Applicant - Rule 43 124 118
244 Leave Evidence Refused - Applicant 125 112
182 No Written Argument/Statement Filed by Applicant 126 110
139 Partial Reply Evidence Served by Opponent 127 109
138 Partial Reply Evidence Filed by Opponent 128 108
280 Cross Examination Undertakings Served by Applicant 129 86
253 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Applicant 130 84
296 Cross Examination of Opponent Requested - Leave Evidence 131 83
297 Cross Examination Order on Opponent - Leave Evidence 132 80
16 Extension of Time Refused to Opponent 133 79
344 Deadline to Confirm Scheduled Hearing 134 73
194 Goods/Services Amended - Split Decision 135 70
181 No Written Argument/Statement Filed by Opponent 136 65
255 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Applicant - Rule 43 137 58
275 No Cross Examination Undertakings 138 53
281 No Cross Examination Undertakings 139 50
197 Cross Examination Order on Applicant - Leave Evidence 140 47
196 Cross Examination of Applicant Requested - Leave Evidence 141 46
15 Extension of Time Refused to Applicant 142 39
355 Deadline to Request Oral Hearing 143 35
298 Cross Examination Transcripts Filed by Applicant - Leave Evidence 143 35
347 Deadline - Cross Examination from Applicant - Rule 43 145 31
338 Deadline to File Applicants Evidence 146 29
198 Cross Examination Transcripts Filed by Opponent - Leave Evidence 147 28
295 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Applicant - Leave Evidence 148 27
213 Amended C/S Refused 149 26
117 S/O Rejected 150 25
49 Case Only Agent Changed 151 21
195 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Opponent - Leave Evidence 152 17
259 Cross Examination of Opponent Cancelled - Rule 43 152 17
349 Deadline - Cross Examination from Applicant - Leave Evidence 154 15
299 Cross Examination of Opponent Cancelled - Leave Evidence 155 10
366 Deadline - Cross Exam Undertakings by Opponent 156 8
348 Deadline - Cross Examination from Opponent - Leave Evidence 156 8
261 Cross Examination Transcripts Served by Applicant - Reply Evidence 156 8
200 Cross Examination Transcripts Served by Opponent - Leave Evidence 159 7
324 Deadline - Reply Evidence 159 7
199 Cross Examination of Applicant Cancelled - Leave Evidence 159 7
327 Deadline - Reply Evidence 162 6
274 Deadline - Cross Exam Undertakings by Opponent - Reply Evidence 162 6
365 Deadline to Request Oral Hearing 162 6
356 Deadline to File Written Arguments - Applicant 162 6
328 Deadline - Cross Examination Undertakings by Applicant 166 5
283 No Cross Examination Undertakings - Leave Evidence 166 5
284 Cross Examination Not Completed - Leave Evidence 168 2
251 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Opponent - Reply Evidence 169 1
276 Cross Examination Undertakings Served by Opponent - Leave Evidence 169 1
252 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Opponent - Leave Evidence 169 1
271 Cross Examination Not Completed - Reply Evidence 169 1
254 Cross Examination Undertakings Filed by Applicant - Leave Evidence 169 1
273 Cross Examination Undertakings Served by Opponent - Reply Evidence 169 1
282 Cross Examination Undertakings Served by Applicant - Leave Evidence 169 1
300 Cross Examination Transcripts Served by Applicant - Leave Evidence 169 1
685 Applicant Lost Interest 169 1

1 The unreferenced opposition events are:

Event Code Event Description
155 Oral Hearing Notice Mailed
262 Cross Examination of Opponent Requested - Rule 43
168 Oral Hearing Rescheduled
358 Deadline to Request Written Arguments
329 Deadline - Cross Examination Undertakings by Applicant - Leave Evidence
362 Deadline - Cross Exam Undertakings by Opponent - Reply Evidence
363 Deadline - Cross Exam Undertakings by Opponent - Leave Evidence