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31 December 2021
The College’s Agent Roster as of 31-Dec-2021
14 December 2021
Has the Backlog Stabilized?
07 December 2021
Registrar-Initiated Section 45 Requests
28 November 2021
Section 45 Expungement Proceedings
Since 1975, the Registrar has issued 12,675 expungement decisions in proceedings seeking summary cancellation (expungement) of registered Canadian trademarks on non-use grounds. 725 such proceedings are actively ongoing as of 22-Nov-2021, according to CIPO’s trademark .xml data.
21 November 2021
Section 44 Proceedings
Section 44 of the Trademarks Act R.S.C., 1985, c. T-13 (the TMA) pertains to “...any trademark that was on the register on July 1, 1954...”.
14 November 2021
Active Opposition Proceedings
1,461 Canadian trademark opposition proceedings are ongoing as of 08-Nov-2021, according to CIPO’s trademark .xml data.
26 October 2021
Extension Applications
This post looks at extension applications, which seek to extend the goods / services coverage of an existing trademark registration pursuant to Section 41(2) of the Trademarks Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. T-13).
12 October 2021
The College’s Agent Roster as of 12-Oct-2021
On Monday, 28-June-2021 The College of Patent Agents & Trademark Agents (CPATA or “the College”) took over from CIPO as the regulator of registered (now, “licensed”) Canadian patent and trademark agents. This post examines the current status of the College’s agent roster—which remains a work in progress.
26 September 2021
Application Pendency—How Long?

A reader emailed me to ask “What’s the longest a trademark application can stay pending without being approved or refused by the CIPO?” The simplistic answer is “theoretically, forever”; but I'll provide some pendency numbers—and some historical observations—in this post.
16 September 2021
Appeals of ex parte examination Refusals
A reader emailed me to ask if CIPO’s trademark .xml data can be mined to determine how often applicants appeal or seek judicial review of prosecution refusals. The answer is a qualified yes.
10 September 2021
Top Section 9 Filers
So far in 2021 the European Data Protection Board is the top filer of Canadian Section 9 Prohibited/Official Mark applications, with 37 such filings.
01 September 2021
Dates of Trademark Applications currently at Examination

26 August 2021
Top 20 Design Marks

15 August 2021
Top 20 Word Marks

A client contacts you, enthused about a new mark that you must protect forthwith. After the big reveal you groan inwardly—it’s another laudatory mark.
01 August 2021
Canada’s 21st Century Filings & Applicants

402,768 applicants have filed a total of 1,104,036 Canadian trademark applications so far this century, i.e. between 01-January-2000 and 26-July-2021. 25% of those filings were made by less than 1% of those applicants.
18 July 2021
1.8 Million Marks and Counting

14 July 2021
The Annual Opposition Rate

As a follow-up to Counting Opposition Cases, this post presents some charts showing opposition activity over the past 25 years.
08 July 2021
Tracking Expedited Examination

05 July 2021
Counting Opposition Cases

01 July 2021
The Perils of Popularity

The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys has published a brief article titled “The Perils of Popularity” in which I discuss CIPO’s backlog of unexamined trademark applications. See page 21 of the July/August 2021 issue of CITMA Review (here).
24 June 2021
Status Update 2-Years Post-CIF

This post examines the current status (as of 21 June 2021—CIPO’s most recent data refresh) of the applications CIPO has received since coming into force (CIF) of the 17 June 2019 amendments to the Trademarks Act, RSC 1985 c. T-13 (TMA).
18 June 2021
Doubtful Cases

Section 37(3) of the Trademarks Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. T-13 (TMA) requires the Registrar to notify the owner of a registered trademark of the advertisement of a pending application if the Registrar “is in doubt whether the trademark claimed in the application is registrable” over the registered mark. The idea is presumably that inter partes opposition proceedings between the registrant and applicant are better suited to resolving such doubt than ex parte examination proceedings.
10 June 2021
Standardization Marks

What do the words Alice, Cinderella, Donald Duck, Dopey, Dumbo, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Seven Dwarfs and Snow White have in common, besides the fact that they are Disney characters? Those words are all standardization marks originally protected pursuant to the Unfair Competition Act (1932) 22-23 George V c. 38; RSC 1952 c. 274. They all remain on the current Canadian trademark register—in the standardization mark category—which may be unfamiliar to some practitioners.
01 June 2021
Some Vienna Statistics

24 May 2021
A geographical supranational view of CIPO’s data

17 May 2021
Canada’s Madrid Submarines

If you do a “knock-out” search of CIPO’s online trademark database you should beware that a conflicting priority-claiming application for an identical mark could be filed up to six months after the date of your search. Canada’s accession to the Madrid Protocol presents a new issue: a conflicting priority-claiming Madrid “submarine” application for an identical mark could surface in CIPO’s database over 1½ years after the date of your search!
12 May 2021
CIPO’s Top 10 Nice Classes

10 May 2021
The Coming Agent Shake Out?

05 May 2021
CIPO Addresses the Backlog

On 3 May 2021 CIPO released 2 Practice Notices to address “current wait times at the examination stage”. The Notices deal with Requests for expedited examination and Measures to improve timeliness in examination. Ominously, the measures include the prospect of increased refusals by CIPO.
02 May 2021
CIPO’s Top Madrid Users

23 April 2021
CIPO’s examination backlog—the Madrid effect

15 April 2021
Union Labels

09 April 2021
General vs. Specific Marks

In An Act respecting Trade Marks and Industrial Designs (1879) 42 Vict. c. 22, Canada required “The proprietor of a trade mark applying for its registration [to] state in [the] application whether the said trade intended to be used as a general trade mark or as a specific trade mark1.” That distinction was dropped from the application requirements set forth2 in the Unfair Competition Act (1932) 22-23 George V c. 38 (the successor to 42 Vict. c. 22). However, the Unfair Competition Act grandfathered the distinction for previously registered marks3 as did the current statute4. The distinction accordingly lives on—well over a century later—in 136 general marks and 1,709 specific marks which are currently active on the Canadian trademarks register (as of 05-Apr-2021).
06 April 2021
Working With CIPO’s ‘Delete’ Files

CIPO’s weekly trademark .xml data releases often include a so-called ‘delete’ file in addition to the weekly ‘update’ file(s). By processing each week’s ‘delete’ file one can easily stay in sync with CIPO’s online trademark database. In contrast, it is more cumbersome to stay in sync with CIPO’s online patent database.
02 April 2021
Where are the Agents?

CIPO’s online trademark database does not expose trademark agent details as searchable fields. To investigate such details one must use CIPO’s .xml data, as I will demonstrate in this post.
26 March 2021
Nurses!? What about Kinsmen / Canadian Clubs?

CIPO’s “Mark Protected by Federal Act of Incorporation” category
The Help file associated with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office’s online trademark database contains a section headed The various categories of marks. One such category (as of 22-Mar-2021) is Mark Protected by Federal Act of Incorporation as shown in the Help file extract below:
22 March 2021
Accelerated (expedited) Search and Examination

In its 14-Dec-2020 “Requests for expedited examination” Practice Notice CIPO explains that it “...does not currently grant requests to examine trademark applications out of order”. The Notice then outlines an exception for “...applications associated with medical goods or services related to COVID-19”. Does the data tell us anything about expedited examination?
18 March 2021
NIDS objections—does the data help?

If you inspect any of CIPO’s 1.7 million trademark .xml files—even for a mark initially protected under the Trade Mark and Design Act (1868) 31 Vict., c. 55 or under the Unfair Competition Act (1932) 22-23 Geo. V, c. 38—you will discover that the file contains a tmk:TradeDistinctivenessIndicator element encapsulating either the word “true” or the word “false”.
12 March 2021
How current is the data?

If you work with CIPO’s trademark .xml data—or with CIPO’s online trademark database—you may encounter situations in which you need to know the exact date of the most recent event details represented in the data—or in the online database.
09 March 2021
Montreal or Montréal? ETL and data cleansing

If you click the Agent Rankings By City tab at the top of this page, then scroll down, you will find not one but four separate tabulations for: Montreal, Québec; Montreal, Quebec; Montréal, Quebec; and Montréal, Québec. Why isn’t there just one tabulation combining those four city / province combinations as shown below (click to enlarge the image)?
05 March 2021
Prosecution Events

Users of CIPO’s online trademark database will be familiar with the Action History that appears upon inspection of any “hit” returned by searching the database. You can’t search Action History events via the online database, but you can do powerful event-based searches by working with the .xml data.
01 March 2021
Mark Categories & Classes (the tmk:MarkCategory and catmk:TrademarkClass elements)

27 February 2021
Update your file numbers with CIPO (the com:ApplicantFileReference XML element)

Each one of CIPO’s trademark .xml files contains a lot of detail—including your file reference numbers.
25 February 2021
What about patent data?
You may be wondering if CIPO has any patent data that could be analyzed in similar fashion to the trademark data analysis examples you can see by clicking the tabs along the top of this page. The answer is yes, but no.
24 February 2021
Section 9 Marks
In this blog’s introductory post I mentioned that although you can’t restrict a search of CIPO’s online trademark database to retrieve only certain types of Section 9 marks, you can do exactly that if you're working with CIPO’s trademark XML data.
23 February 2021
Working with trademark XML data (XML shredding)

The previous post began by surmising that you have downloaded one of CIPO’s global or weekly .zip files and unzipped it into a separate folder, yielding ten to twenty thousand .xml files. So now you’re set to do some sophisticated data analysis—right?
22 February 2021
Viewing trademark XML data

OK—you have downloaded one of CIPO’s global or weekly .zip files and unzipped it into a separate folder. That folder will typically contain ten to twenty thousand files. Most of them will be .xml files, but there will also be quite a few .png files (containing design mark images) and possibly some .mp3 or .mp4 files (containing sounds & moving images). We’ll ignore the .png, .mp3 & .mp4 files—but now what?
21 February 2021
The Data

Approximately semi-annually (pre-pandemic) CIPO publishes a “global” release of almost 2 million XML files—one file for each & every Canadian trademark (excluding certain marks that were cancelled or expunged before 1979 or applications that were abandoned or refused before 1980).
19 February 2021